I am professor emeritus at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where I taught in the department of philosophy for 35 years. My specialties included philosophy of mind, metaphysics, history of modern philosophy and, most recently,
aesthetics and the philosophy of art. For several years I was faculty leader
for Aesthetics in Society, a group of graduate fellows selected from diverse departments at UNC in its Scholars for Tomorrow
program. Currently I am presenting courses on aesthetics and photography at UNC’s
Friday Center, the Carolina College for Lifelong Learning, and
Duke’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
Sixteen years after receiving my Ph.D. in philosophy, I earned an M.F.A. in studio
art. My art work focused mainly on large metal sculpture, and my sculptures have
been exhibited throughout North Carolina, including eleven shows at the Durham Art Guild as well as Somerhill Art Gallery
(Durham), Northern Telecom (Research Triangle Park), N.C. Museum of Art (Raleigh), Ackland Art Museum (Chapel Hill), Arts
Center Gallery (Carrboro), N.C. Arts Society (Pinehurst), Fayetteville Museum of Art (Fayetteville), Spirit Square Arts Center
(Charlotte), Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (Winston-Salem). Commissioned works are in private collections in New York,
Westport, Miami, Boca Raton,
St. Louis, Dallas, and numerous locations in North Carolina.
In the middle 1990s my work in art moved from sculpture to photography. My photographic works have been exhibited in North Carolina at the Horace Williams
House (Chapel Hill), Chapel Hill Museum, Chapel Hill Senior Center, Carrboro Library, Arts Center (Carrboro), Padgett Station
(Carrboro), Alamance County Arts Council, Firehouse Fine Art Gallery (Graham), Artscape Gallery (Roxboro), Back Porch Gallery
(Durham), Fine Arts League of Cary, Raleigh Fine Arts Society, North Carolina Photographers Annual Exhibitions (Raleigh),
Fayetteville Museum of Art. Among my awards are First Prize in the 1999 Arts
Center Exhibition, First Place in the 2002 News and Observer Travel Photography Contest, First Place Black &White in the
2003 Art in Person Art Show, First Places in the Chapel Hill Camera Club competitions for 2002-2003 as Photographer of the
Year for Color Prints, for Black and White Prints, and for Experimental Prints. My
photographs are in private collections in New York, Los Angeles,
Oakland, San Francisco, Madison,
Boca Raton, and numerous collections in North Carolina.